Prunes grade cans

Цена: specify

(box 5 / 10 kg)

Type of drying: Sundried

Prunes from Uzbekistan earned recognition in Russia, Europe, and other foreign countries.

The company "Spectrum dry fruits" can guarantee that the prunes produced by us are one of the best among similar products of competing producers. Like the rest of dried fruit from Uzbekistan, it is an environmentally friendly product that only benefits the body. Unlike the mass production of prunes by other producers, we do everything manually, which, of course, positively affects the quality of the finished product. In our gardens, we grow only the best varieties of this fruit and wait for their full maturity. In the process of growth, trees receive as fertilizer only organic fertilizers that do not affect their taste and safety for human health.

Harvest, collected by us, is always the same: it is ripe large fruit of rich color with a sweet taste and delicate aroma, which have no defects. After collecting the plums carefully sorted, washed and sent to dry. We produce prunes both with a bone, and without - each of them finds its buyer.

Prunes are widely used in confectionery, but, perhaps, the most famous treat with it is chocolate sweets, inside of which there is a whole fruit. In addition, they are preparing baking with him, in particular, now the dietary bread with such an additive is gaining popularity. And, of course, every mother knows that during a child's digestion problems, he must necessarily buy prunes. It is a powerful laxative, which also has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Our certifications

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Samples are sent according to the rules of international transport in a limited volume of up to 1 kg

Production proccess

Reception of raw materials
Separation from lumps
Rejection from mineral impurities
Separation from the stalk
Aspiratory rejection
Drum washing
Processing with oil
Control weighing
Metal detector test
Packaging labeling