Dried industrial apricots

Цена: specify

(box 10kg)

Type of drying: Sundried

Dried apricots from Uzbekistan are made only of the ripe and beautiful fruits of apricot, the yield of which is increasing every year.
A saturated orange color, an ideal shape, absence of any defects on the surface of this dried apricot make it the product that can decorate a festive table. In addition, we can not fail to note the pleasant smell and, of course, the excellent taste of dried apricots of the highest grade of the subhon, which can please both adults and children.

The Uzbek selected dried apricots is made with observance of all sanitary norms, carefully packed and carefully transported to the destination. Deciding to buy dried apricots from Uzbekistan, you can not worry about its safety in the process of transportation. Each fruit is processed by special safe substances, which help the dried apricots to preserve their beautiful color, and shape, and taste good. As a result, buyers receive fresh and quality dried fruits, which you can vary your table all year round.

In a large dried apricots there is a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, natural safe sugars, antioxidants. Its frequent intake contributes to the strengthening of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, positively affects digestion and overall well-being.

In the company "Spectrum dry fruits" you can buy dried apricots from Uzbekistan in bulk, being assured of its high quality. Our company is an internationally recognized producer of dried apricots and supplier of dried fruits of all sorts. For several years of work we have a lot of partners, each of which can give only a positive feedback about our product.

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Samples are sent according to the rules of international transport in a limited volume of up to 1 kg

Production proccess

Reception of raw materials
Separation from lumps
Rejection from mineral impurities
Separation from the stalk
Aspiratory rejection
Drum washing
Processing with oil
Control weighing
Metal detector test
Packaging labeling